Friday, April 11, 2014

You: Inspiring the EmpoweRN Community!!

Hi Guys,
I hope everything is going really well with you!
I wanted to talk to you about an exciting opportunity to inspire your fellow nursing students/nurses & also make a little money along the way.
In the near future, I’m going to post videos that my subscribers create :) in addition to my own videos.
And I’m looking for pre-nursing students, nursing students & nurses!
I know you all are the smartest people around & have a lot of words of wisdom that would help the EmpoweRN community.
If you are interested in making videos let me know!
Below you will find the guidelines.
No matter what, I always look forward to hearing from you!
With Much Love,
Caroline Porter Thomas

The videos will contain content that will teach & inspire:
Pre-Nursing Students
Nursing Students
And/or Nurses.
I’m looking for original videos… if you have video creating/editing skills great… but the focus is not on flashy videos… it is on content.
You can feel free to create a video about any nursing content that you learned really well… for example:
-       Tips with a certain disease process: ie. Congestive heart failure, Pneumonia, Intra Cranial Pressure, Hypothyroidism, Gastritis, Stroke… just to give you an example.
-       Nursing Math examples
-       You could go over a medication that you learned really well & share tips on how you remember certain things.
-       You could share your experience taking the nursing entrance exams like the TEAS, HESI or whatever your entrance exam is called.
-       You could share an inspirational story of how you overcame a challenge… either with nursing school, a nursing professor or managed having children multiple responsibilities or having to work…
-       Whatever hot nursing topic you want to talk about!
-       You could share any tips & tricks that helped you!
-       You could submit a skills video, however please provide written permission from your institution or place of work, that allowed you to use the supplies for the video.
-       If you use, music, please make sure that it is “Royalty free.” If you are not sure, please do not use music or contact me & I can send you one.  Ultimately no music is preferred.
-       This video will be made exclusively for this channel.
-       Videos may be edited slightly & an Intro & ending will be added… the same one you see in my latest videos.
Pay: Here is the deal. I’m willing to give you up to $50 for the video, so you can feel good about putting time & effort into it.  You tell me what you think the video is worth & it’s as easy as that! Every Month I will allot a certain amount of money to this project & God willing this amount will increase as time goes by.
Prior to your making the video, just run the topic & asking price by me & I will let you know if that is in the budget :)
You can donate the video if you want & if you do so, you will be acknowledged in the description section for the donation.
Payments will be made via paypal or a check can be mailed to you.
At the end of each video, please say: 
“If you like this video and want to see more like this, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe to the channel & Post a comment!”
I look forward to seeing the great videos that you create!
If you have any questions, please email me at: or

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